Jožef Stefan Institute (IJS), Ljubljana, SI
Department of Knowledge Technologies

Jožef Stefan Institute is the leading research institution for natural sciences in Slovenia having over 900 researchers within 25 departments working in the areas of computer science, physics, and chemistry and biology.
The Department of Knowledge Technologies has a staff of 35 researchers and 15 PhD students and external collaborators. The Department performs research in advanced information technologies aimed at acquiring, storing and managing knowledge to be used in the development of an information- and knowledge-based society. Established areas of our work include intelligent data analysis (machine learning, data mining, and knowledge discovery in databases), computational creativity, decision support and knowledge management.
The Department is also a recognised centre of research on language technologies, computational linguistics, corpus linguistic, and digital humanities. It has been involved in the compilation of the majority of existing Slovene mono- and multilingual corpora, the development of manually annotated corpora for training language annotation tools, the development of the tools, such as part-of-speech taggers, lemmatisers, parsers and named entity recognisers and in work on standardisation of linguistic encoding in the scope of TEI and ISO. The department is also the home of the Slovene research infrastructure CLARIN.SI, a member of the CLARIN ERIC.